The Contract
The Contract
If anyone else is interested in using the contract, which was generously written for me by Amy Whitaker and Alfred Steiner, you are free to use it to share your own inventory. The idea of a 'storage art' is not a short term solution for the problems of the production of contemporary art, but it may contain the seed of a longer term effort to create a vast pool of liquidity by releasing contemporary art into the world, creating a whole new generation of 'collectors' who may be interested in art, but unable to afford it. Perhaps they will decide to purchase some art in the future, or support public policies and political parties that can create a society where opting to live a less materially oriented life is not punished. It may be mutually advantageous to acknowledge that art is not rare or terribly unique in order to maintain its class-based, economic value system. It may be better to give it away conditionally, and see if another more equitable market or society emerges around culture seeking to be free from economic enclosure and the many costs of storage.